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All questions answered on our subscriptions and billing
At Flexmail, a contact is basically the same as an email address. You pay your subscription on the basis of the number of email addresses loaded into your database. Our price policy is even more specific – here we only take active contacts into consideration. To avoid any misunderstanding, it should be noted that unsubscribed and deleted contacts are not included.
With the Flexmail subscriptions you can benefit from unlimited sending. We calculate the prices only on the basis of the number of active contacts in your account. There is no limit to the number of emails you’re allowed to send per month.
Upgrading is possible at any moment during your invoicing period. The remaining amount will then be settled. Your new subscription term commences on the day of your upgrade.
Contact sales@flexmail.be or click the order button on your demo account, to make sure that information you have already added will not get lost.
With a subscription you have the guarantee of a fixed budget and no additional unexpected or hidden costs. In this way, you prevent any unpleasant surprises when you have to send extra mails or when all of a sudden your automatic follow-up becomes more popular.
You can cancel your subscription at any moment. As a result, your subscription will not be renewed automatically at the end of the period. Your active period has already been paid, so you can continue to use your account until the last day. In other words, you can always terminate your subscription until the last day of your last invoicing period.
Whatever payment method you choose, you will have immediate access to the platform. If you opt for payment by Mastercard, you can send immediately. If you opt for payment by bank transfer, you can start sending as soon as we have received your payment.
No, a sudden increase in your mail frequency will not suddenly lead to higher costs. We only look at the number of active contacts in your account. The various tiers are provided on the price page of our website or in the order overview in your account.
Of course that’s possible. Using our free trial account, you can test the platform for 30 days, taking our various features for a spin and sending 200 mails, free of charge. If you would rather do a bigger test, please contact us so that we can look at the possibilities together.
Still looking for something else?
The training courses we provide are a perfect way for you to get to know Flexmail well or extend your knowledge of specific parts. We can also collaborate with your team on the basis of your strategy.
Need any help?
We would be pleased to be of assistance
+32 89 69 00 30